UI Design für edu-sharing CC-Stamper
7. September 2017
HTML5 4 OER: Zwei Einsatzmöglichkeiten bei edu-sharing
18. September 2017edu-sharing team at OER world congress
Find our edu-sharing NETWORK members and partners at the 2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress (18-20 September 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Meet our edu-sharing UX designer Tobias Westphal in the exhibition zone of the congress. The stand has 2 subjects:
1. open source technologies for OER
- OER repository and referatory software (edu-sharing)
- OER plugins / extensions for Learning Management Systems (Moodle, ILIAS, OLAT, Stud.IP, OPAL)
- OER plugins / extensions for authoring software and other E-Learning tools such as wikis (Mediawiki, Tutory, Memucho)
- OER services which can be used by LMS, authoring and other tools and repositories / referatories
- Metadata editor, metadata generators (i.e. CC-Stamper to „print“ license metadata into images)
- License wizards (i.e. CC-Mixer to find the right CC license)
- Curriculum collections
- OER infrastructure concepts (project wiki in German)
Search #hack4OER on Twitter to find OER software tools updates
2. OER cooperation activities in Germany
The project JOINTLY supports German OER cooperation activities i.e.:
- Concepts and materials for OER training
- OER policy
- Legal questions
- more information you can find here: www.jointly.info
OER Song will be published at the conference
On the margins of JOINTLY cooperation workshops an OER song has been produced which we publish officially at the congress.