roadmap | release | version | vision | edu-sharing
Learn more about our vision and upcoming releases*.
Our vision
Connecting educational software systems and learning platforms to share educational content, metadata and tools. Find them in an educational cloud and use them in all connected systems.
edu-sharing 9.1
The edu-sharing partner organisations, which guarantee stable development financing, are jointly entitled to vote with 75%. The non-profit edu-sharing NETWORK Association is entitled to vote with 25%. It organizes the community and joint quality management.
edu-sharing 9.0
planned features
- Continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment
- Security enhancements for CI/CD
- Completely revised front end
The edu-sharing partner organisations, which guarantee stable development financing, are jointly entitled to vote with 75%. The non-profit edu-sharing NETWORK Association is entitled to vote with 25%. It organizes the community and joint quality management.
End of life reached
edu-sharing 8.1
planned features
- Serlo editor connector
- Geogebra connection
- Search redesign (frontend)
- Pedagogical Tools & Tools
The edu-sharing partner organisations, which guarantee stable development financing, are jointly entitled to vote with 75%. The non-profit edu-sharing NETWORK Association is entitled to vote with 25%. It organizes the community and joint quality management.
edu-sharing 8.0
planned features
- Suggestion function for collections
- BITV-compliant search and collection views (for accessibility)
- Relationships between objects
- Likes or ratings for objects
- WYSIWYG editor for forms
- Form optimisations for easier editing
The edu-sharing partner organisations, which guarantee stable development financing, are jointly entitled to vote with 75%. The non-profit edu-sharing NETWORK Association is entitled to vote with 25%. It organizes the community and joint quality management.
edu-sharing 6.1 and 7.0
Roadmap strategy project is in progress
planned features for edu-sharing 7.0
- upgrade to Alfresco 7.0
The edu-sharing partner organisations, which guarantee stable development financing, are jointly entitled to vote with 75%. The non-profit edu-sharing NETWORK Association is entitled to vote with 25%. It organizes the community and joint quality management.
edu-sharing 6.0
Features of edu-sharing 6.0
- New metadata sets: Metadata sets are better integrated into the system and provide better accessibility and usability with keyboard navigation.
- Metadata set features: Bulk editing is improved, widgets can now be dynamically shown and hidden depending on the selection of other widgets.
- Bulk sharing: materials can be shared in bulk.
- API: The system supports synchronization with external data from third-party sources (e.g. crawling).
- Elasticsearch: The system offers use of Elasticsearch as an alternative search system with new indexing features especially for metadata, tracking data (usage) and images.
- Rendering: videos are automatically converted to multiple sizes and can be accessed in different resolutions depending on the connection.
- Publishing: A new publishing workflow with versioned copies for audit-proof management of persistent documents.
- Accessibility: The accessibility and tab navigation of the system is improved.
- DSGVO/Privacy: Configuration options for the visibility of email addresses of users & authors
- Remote systems: Full communication with other apps via REST API, SOAP is eliminated
- Administration tools: New tools, e.g. to map value ranges via CSV, revise or delete objects in bulk
This release was mainly developed in cooperation with:
- WirLernenOnline
- Zentrales OER-Repositorium der Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg (ZOERR)
- Pädagogisches Landesinstitut - Bildungsserver Rheinland-Pfalz
- metaVentis GmbH
edu-sharing 5.1
features of edu-sharing 5.1
- Improved editorial functions
- New: Management of libraries that purchase licenses for assigned organisations.
- Libraries can manage licenses for associated educational organisations
- Associated educational organisations receive metadata for better manageability
- Bulk editing of metadata
- Bulk releases for content
- better configurability of the portal start page
- Landingpage for link releases - customizable provider design
- Content management improvements
- Simplified upload function for easier upload of content from connected LMS
- Improved search for people and groups for shares
- QR code for the object
- Metadata is included with ZIP downloads in text format
- Search improvements
- Click on keywords starts corresponding search
- advanced search fields provide feedback on the number of available objects
- Improvements in Collections
- Content can be uploaded directly to collections (originally this was only possible via Workspace)
- external content from federated repositories can now be added to collections
- various usability improvements in the workspace
- Revisions of the mobile apps (iOS, Android 9.0)
- Improvement of connected software systems
- Automatic connection of Moodle instances via scripting, e.g. for large nationwide installations vedu-sharing content can be inserted into OnlyOffice pages
Thank you
This release will mainly be financed by the German school sector, i.e. Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung München , Pädagogische Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz (PL) and by The OER Project Berlin.
edu-sharing 5.0
Included features (5.0)
- Introduction of user profiles
- New "Stream" has been prepared to give every user or course access to his own learning stream filled with interesting learning content displayed as a timeline.
- Content can be commented
- improved H5P Connector: Create, manage, share and collect H5P content and use it in connected systems (e.g. moodle).
- Migration to afresco 5.2
- ... and much more ...
Thank you
This release is mainly developed thanks to the sponsored project "LaSiDig" byFederal Ministry of Education and Research / Germany.
edu-sharing 4.2
Included features (4.2)
- Introduction of "learning units" or "series": A main content is able to contain multiple subobjects. (z.B. exercise and possible solution, spanish text with translation to english and german, little learning unit of a sertain topic.)
- DOI / Handle-Connection: Development of "Digital Object Identifier (DOI)"
- Users can create variants of open licensed content.
- Add material from collections in learning management systems (e.g. moodle)
- Improved Search
- Support of user quotas
- Improved link sharing
- ... and much more ...
Thank you
This release is mainly developed with
- University of Tübingen with their project "OERBW" and
- Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg
edu-sharing 4.1 has been published
Included features (4.1)
- Numerous improvements in creating, editing and use of collections
- New editorial collections:They only can be managed by editorial teams. They also can be pinned in search results - especially useful for curriculum collections.
- Save interesting content on a bookmark list and download them as .zip a file.
- New bulk license assignment. Licensing of oer content is much easier the before.
- Contexts: Different entry points into an instance with its own metadata and URL (e.g., build one instance for schools and colleges - and separate them via contexts)
- ... and many more features...
Thank you
This release is mainly developed with
- Pädagogischen Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz,
- University of Tübingen with their project "OERBW"
- and oer project "JOINTLY"
*All information on that page are showing the desired development of edu-sharing according to our current knowledge. Further adjustments are possible.