edu-sharing 4.2 RC 1 is ready to be downloaded
12. July 2019
edu-sharing 5.0 released
6. February 2020New Features

Serial Objects
We introduce a new type of object: serial objects. Serial objects contain several sub-objects that can be found together in the search as one object and downloaded as an archive. Subobjects can be both files and links.
Serial objects offer an ideal opportunity to combine a material with tasks, for example, with solution examples, or to provide a document in different file formats or languages.
Support of user quotas
As of this version, quotas can be defined for users that limit the user's storage space.
The quota can be set both via the user interface and automatically via the API and is displayed graphically to the user.

Improved link sharing
Link shares can now be protected with a password.
In addition, entire folders can now be shared via a link.
Improved search
We have optimized the search layout in numerous places.
Search results can now be sorted by the user. The selection of the sorting criteria can be defined by the system administrator according to the user's wishes.

Statistics & use of materials
In the material information pane, you can now display details of the uses of an object such as: views, downloads and uses in connected systems and collectios.
The invitations pane now also shows you in which systems the object is used.